Pentax K200D 規格表中有個特殊的功能 D-RANGE, 雖然別的廠家也有類似的功能, 但是對於 P 家而言卻是新的功能, 因此特別將 Dpreview 網站中的測試摘錄下來 :
Dynamic Range Optimization feature (Extract from Dpreview)
As you can see in the graph enabling D-Range at ISO 200 gives you approximately one stop of additional highlight range. The sample shots below demonstrate what difference this makes in real life. We exposed both shots to get some detail on the brickwork of the dark tunnel. Naturally this results in an overexposure of the buildings you can see outside. As you can see in the crops D-Range managed to recover quite a bit of highlight detail that would otherwise have been lost.
開啟 D-RANGE 後, ISO 選擇範圍由原本的 100-1600 變為 200-1600, 可以將輸入光線的動態範圍壓縮 200%, 以保留更多的畫面資訊(由 dpreview 的曲線圖可以看出, D-RANGE 主要作用是在亮部的部份), 看起來是很完美的功能, 測試結果好像也不錯, 但是實際的情形呢?
當時機身的設定是 K200D + Tamron 28-75mm/f2.8, f = 8.0, 日光白平衡, D-RANGE ON, ISO 200, JPEG 直出(D-RANGE 設定對 RAW 檔無效)
值得一提的是 K200D 不論是 "風景模式" & "黑白模式" 對於拍攝風景提供 顏色飽和 or 階調豐富 的優異畫質.